Daily Grammar

Lesson 167

Parts of the Sentence - Adverbs

Adverbs are words that modify (1) verbsVerbs show action or state of being. Most verbs are action words, but a few verbs indicate state of being or existence.
Source: Lesson 1
, (2) adjectivesAdjectives modify or affect the meaning of nouns and pronouns and tell us which, whose, what kind, and how many about the nouns or pronouns they modify. They come before the noun or pronoun they modify except for the predicate adjective which comes after a linking verb and modifies the subject. Source: Lesson 151, and (3) other adverbs. They tell how (manner), when (time), where (place), how much (degree), and why (cause).

Why is a common one-word adverb that tells why.  Adverbs that tell us how, when, where, and why always modify the verb.  These adverbs can shift location in the sentence without changing meaning or what they modify.  Adverbs that tell us how much modify adjectives or other adverbs.  Adverbs that tell how much will come just before the adjectives or adverbs that they modify.  These adverbs are also called qualifiers because they strengthen or weaken the words they modify.


He kicked the ball solidly. (how)
He kicked the ball immediately. (when)
He kicked the ball forward. (where)
He kicked the ball too hard. (how much)

Not and its contraction n't are adverbs. They really modify the entire sentence, but we will have them modify the verb as it is the most important word in the sentence. This is a common practice in grammar books.


Instructions: Find the adverbs in the following sentences and tell what word they modify.

1. Now and then I become creative.

Now and then I become creative.
  - Now (when) and then (when) modify become

2. Soon you will see that sight again.

Soon you will see that sight again.
  - Soon (when) and again (when) modify will see

3. He made the corrections on the computer immediately.

He made the corrections on the computer immediately.
  - immediately (when) modifies made

4. Sometimes you make unnecessary statements.

Sometimes you make unnecessary statements.
  - Sometimes (when) modifies make

5. Lately I take walks often.

Lately I take walks often.
  - Lately (when) and often (when) modify take

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