Daily Grammar

Lesson 18

Parts of Speech - Nouns

NounsA noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. Examples: man, city, book, and courage.  Source: Lesson 16 are grouped into two general classifications, proper and common.  Proper nouns name a special person, place, or thing and begin with capital letters.  All other nouns begin with small letters and are common nouns.

Examples of common nouns include: city, man, boat, and radio.  These could be changed into proper noun forms by naming specifics: Salt Lake City, Mr. Jones, Santa Maria, and Motorola.


Instructions: Pick out the nouns in these sentences and tell if they are common or proper.

1. Becky went with her sisters to Disneyland on Friday.

Becky went with her sisters to Disneyland on Friday.
  Becky, Disneyland, and Friday  -  proper nouns
  sisters  -  common noun

2. My youngest son is in Brazil until September.

My youngest son is in Brazil until September.
  Brazil and September  -  proper nouns
  son  -  common noun

3. Mr. Smith works with his wife in Los Angeles.

Mr. Smith works with his wife in Los Angeles.
  Mr. Smith and Los Angeles  -  proper nouns
  wife  -  common noun

4. Love could bring marriage to Mark and Terri.

Love could bring marriage to Mark and Terri.
  Mark and Terri  -  proper nouns
  love and marriage  -  common nouns
  (love is capitalized because it begins the sentence)

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