Daily Grammar

Lesson 195

Parts of the Sentence - Indirect Objects

An indirect object is really a prepositional phraseA prepositional phrase starts with a preposition, ends with an object, and may have modifiers between the preposition and the object of the preposition.
Source: Lesson 180
in which the preposition to or for is not stated but understood. It tells to whom or for whom something is done. The indirect object always comes between the verb and the direct objectA direct object receives the action performed by the subject. The verb used with a direct object is always an action verb. Another way of saying it is that the subject does the verb to the direct object.
Source: Lesson 109

She gave me a gift. (indirect object)
She gave to me a gift. (prepositional phrase)

The indirect object always modifies the verb. It may have modifiers and be compound. It is used with verbs such as give, tell, send, get, buy, show, build, do, make, save, and read.

She gave the man and me a gift. (indirect objects)
She gave to the man and to me a gift. (prepositional phrases)


Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verbsVerbs show action or state of being. Most verbs are action words, but a few verbs indicate state of being or existence.
Source: Lesson 1
, subjectsThe subject tells who or what about the verb.  Source: Lesson 91, predicate nominativesA predicate nominative or predicate noun completes a linking verb and renames the subject. It is a complement or completer because it completes the verb. Predicate nominatives complete only linking verbs. The verb in a sentence having a predicate nominative can always be replaced by the word equals.  Source: Lesson 102, direct objectsA direct object receives the action performed by the subject. The verb used with a direct object is always an action verb. Another way of saying it is that the subject does the verb to the direct object.
Source: Lesson 109
, appositivesAn appositive is a word or group of words that identifies or renames the noun or pronoun that it follows. It is set off by commas unless closely tied to the word that it identifies or renames. ("Closely tied" means that it is needed to identify the word.) An appositive can follow any noun or pronoun.  Source: Lesson 128, nouns of addressNouns or nominatives of address are the persons or things to which you are speaking. They are set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma or commas, may have modifiers, and are not related to the rest of the sentence grammatically. You can remove them and a complete sentence remains. Source: Lesson 131, adjectivesAdjectives modify or affect the meaning of nouns and pronouns and tell us which, whose, what kind, and how many about the nouns or pronouns they modify. They come before the noun or pronoun they modify.  Source: Lesson 151, predicate adjectivesAn adjective that comes after a linking verb and modifies the subject.
Source: Lesson 155
, adverbsAdverbs are words that modify (1) verbs, (2) adjectives, and (3) other adverbs. They tell how (manner), when (time), where (place), how much (degree), and why (cause). Source: Lesson 161, prepositionsA preposition is a word that begins a prepositional phrase and shows the relationship between its object and another word in the sentence. A preposition must always have an object.
Source: Lesson 180
, objects of the preposition, and indirect objects in the following sentences.  If there are any adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, or indirect objects then tell what word they modify.

1. At the mall Pam bought her children two new toys.

AtPrep theAdj mallOoP PamS boughtV herAdj childrenIO  
twoAdj newAdj toysDO.

  - At the mall modifies bought
  - the modifies mall
  - her modifies children
  - children modifies bought
  - two and new modify toys

2. Tomorrow you should send your friend a thank you card.

TomorrowAdv youS should sendV yourAdj  
friendIO aAdj thank youAdj cardDO.

  - Tomorrow modifies should send
  - your modifies friend
  - friend modifies should send
  - a and thank you modify card

3. The veteran pitcher threw the rookie hitter a fast-breaking curve ball.

TheAdj veteranAdj pitcherS threwV theAdj rookieAdj  
hitterIO aAdj fast-breakingAdj  
curveAdj ballDO.

  - The and veteran modify pitcher
  - the and rookie modify hitter
  - hitter modifies threw
  - a, fast-breaking, and curve modify ball

4. The public defender gave her client her best advice.

TheAdj publicAdj defenderS gaveV herAdj clientIO  
herAdj bestAdj adviceDO.

  - The and public modify defender
  - her modifies client
  - client modifies gave
  - her and best modify advice

5. Eric showed his math teacher a problem with the question.

EricS showedV hisAdj mathAdj teacherIO aAdj  
problemDO withPrep theAdj questionOoP.

  - his and math modify teacher
  - teacher modifies showed
  - a modifies problem
  - with the question modifies problem
  - the modifies question

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