Daily Grammar

Lesson 231

Parts of the Sentence - Verbals - Adverb Infinitives

An infinitive is a verbalA verbal is a verb form used as some other part of speech.  Source: Lesson 206 that is to plus a verb form.  It can be used as an adverbAdverbs are words that modify (1) verbs, (2) adjectives, and (3) other adverbs. They tell how (manner), when (time), where (place), how much (degree), and why (cause). Source: Lesson 161.

to be, to see, to be seen, to be eaten

Adverb infinitives are used to modify verbsVerbs show action or state of being. Most verbs are action words, but a few verbs indicate state of being or existence.
Source: Lesson 1
. They usually tell why.


Instructions: Find the infinitives in these sentences and tell what word they modify.

1. The man came to confess.

The man came to confess.
 - to confess modifies cameV

2. We should study to learn.

We should study to learn.
 - to learn modifies should studyV

3. The girls were waiting to be asked.

The girls were waiting to be asked.
 - to be asked modifies were waitingV

4. Our neighbor called to apologize.

Our neighbor called to apologize.
 - to apologize modifies calledV

5. I went to the hospital to rest.

I went to the hospital to rest.
 - to rest modifies wentV

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