Daily Grammar

Lesson 359

Mechanics - Punctuation - Commas

Use a comma after long introductory prepositional phrasesA preposition is a word that begins a prepositional phrase and shows the relationship between its object and another word in the sentence. A preposition must always have an object. A prepositional phrase starts with a preposition, ends with an object, and may have modifiers between the proposition and object of the preposition.
Source: Lesson 71
or two or more consecutive prepositional phrases.

At the entrance to the cave, the guide gave us instructions.
During those hot, boring summer days, time passed very slowly.

Instructions: Place commas where they are needed.

1. After the wreck into the pine tree the car was towed away.

After the wreck into the pine tree, the car was towed away.

2. Into the woods during the shower ran the black horse.

Into the woods during the shower, ran the black horse.

3. After the long and exhausting trip we finally arrived at our destination.

After the long and exhausting trip, we finally arrived at our destination.

4. In the hall closet on the top shelf you will find the material I need.

In the hall closet on the top shelf, you will find the material I need.

5. Through the vast expanse of space the astronauts traveled continuously.

Through the vast expanse of space, the astronauts traveled continuously.

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