Daily Grammar

Quiz for Lessons 151 - 155

Parts of the Sentence - Adjectives

Instructions: Find all the adjectives in these sentences, tell what they modify, and what they tell.

1. Grandpa's low growl was a quick warning to us.

Grandpa's low growl was a quick warning to us.
 - Grandpa's (whose) and low (what kind) modify growl
 - a (which) and quick (what kind) modify warning

2. The largest spaceship in the world stood ready for launch.

The largest spaceship in the world stood ready for launch.
 - The (which) and largest (what kind) modify spaceship
 - the (which) modifies world

3. His lost vision was still not clear.

His lost vision was still not clear.
 - His (whose) and lost (what kind) modify vision
 - clear (what kind, predicate adj.) modifies vision

4. Many young people feel uneasy before a crowd.

Many young people feel uneasy before a crowd.
 - Many (how many) and young (what kind) modify people
 - uneasy (what kind, predicate adj.) modifies people
 - a (which) modifies crowd

5. Pink and blue flowers bloomed in the neighbor's garden.

Pink and blue flowers bloomed in the neighbor's garden.
 - Pink (what kind) and blue (what kind) modify flowers
 - the (which) and neighbor's (whose) modify garden

6. Several gray clouds blocked the radiant sunlight.

Several gray clouds blocked the radiant sunlight.
 - Several (how many) and gray (what kind) modify clouds
 - the (which) and radiant (what kind) modify sunlight

7. There were no visible signs of activity at the old mill.

There were no visible signs of activity at the old mill.
 - no (how many) and visible (what kind) modify signs
 - the (which) and old (what kind) modify mill

8. Five little speckled eggs were seen in the bird's nest.

Five little speckled eggs were seen in the bird's nest.
 - Five (how many), little (what kind), and speckled (what kind) modify eggs
 - the (which) and bird's (whose) modify nest

9. Mother planted those yellow and white irises.

Mother planted those yellow and white irises.
 - those (which), yellow (what kind), and white (what kind) modify irises

10. Soft, cool breezes blew off the beautiful silver lake.

Soft, cool breezes blew off the beautiful silver lake.
 - Soft (what kind) and cool (what kind) modify breezes
 - the (which), beautiful (what kind), and silver (what kind) modify lake

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