Daily Grammar

Quiz for Lesson 251 - 255

Parts of the Sentence - Adjective Dependent Clauses

Instructions: Find the adjective dependent clause in the following sentences and tell which word it modifies.

1. I like a leader who listens to his men.

I like a leader who listens to his menadjective clause.

  - who listens to his men modifies leader

2. The dog which I loved dearly was hit by a truck last night.

The dog which I loved dearlyadjective clause was hit  
by a truck last night.

  - which I loved dearly modifies dog

3. Rulon is a person who takes responsibility well.

Rulon is a person who takes responsibility welladjective clause.

  - who takes responsibility well modifies person

4. All individuals who purchased tickets will be admitted.

All individuals who purchased ticketsadjective clause  
will be admitted.

  - who purchased tickets modifies individuals

5. The shirt that you bought me doesn't fit well.

The shirt that you bought meadjective clause doesn't  
fit well.

  - that you bought me modifies shirt

6. The woman who baked the winning pie is my wife.

The woman who baked the winning pieadjective clause is my wife.

  - who baked the winning pie modifies woman

7. You called at a time when I was unable to answer.

You called at a time when I was unable to answeradjective clause.

  - when I was unable to answer modifies time

8. Gayle is the one for whom you are looking.

Gayle is the one for whom you are lookingadjective clause.

  - for whom you are looking modifies one

9. Those who are willing to serve others will be rewarded.

Those who are willing to serve othersadjective clause  
will be rewarded.

  - who are willing to serve others modifies Those

10. One to whom much is given is expected to give much in return.

One to whom much is givenadjective clause is  
expected to give much in return.

  - to whom much is given modifies One

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