Daily Grammar

Quiz for Lessons 261 - 265

Parts of the Sentence - Adverb Clauses

Instructions: Find the adverb dependent clause in the following sentences and tell which word it modifies.

1. I am hungrier than I thought.

I am hungrier than I thoughtadverb clause.

 - than I thought modifies hungrierPAdj

2. We left before the game was over.

We left before the game was overadverb clause.

 - before the game was over modifies leftV

3. Lee is older than Bill.

Lee is older than Billadverb clause. (is old omitted)

 - than Bill (is old) modifies olderPAdj

4. While I was waiting for the phone call, I read a book.

While I was waiting for the phone calladverb clause,  
I read a book.

 - While I was waiting for the phone call modifies readV

5. If you don't believe me, ask my wife.

If you don't believe meadverb clause, ask my wife.

 - If you don't believe me modifies askV


6. Are you upset because I didn't call?

Are you upset because I didn't calladverb clause?

 - because I didn't call modifies upsetPAdj

7. The alarm rang while I was in the shower.

The alarm rang while I was in the showeradverb clause.

 - while I was in the shower modifies rangV

8. Open the window so that we can have some fresh air.

Open the window so that we can have some fresh airadverb clause.

 - so that we can have some fresh air modifies OpenV

9. Paul will take you home when you are ready.

Paul will take you home when you are readyadverb clause.

 - when you are ready modifies will takeV

10. You shouldn't say those things unless you are certain about their validity.

You shouldn't say those things unless you are certain about their validityadverb clause.

 - unless you are certain about their validity modifies should sayV

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