Daily Grammar

Quiz for Lessons 76 - 80

Parts of Speech - Conjunctions

A conjunction is a word that joins other words, phrases (groups of words), or clauses (groups of words with a subjectThe subject tells who or what about the verb.  Source: Lesson 91 and verbVerbs show action or state of being. Most verbs are action words, but a few verbs indicate state of being or existence.
Source: Lesson 1
). Co-ordinate conjunctions join words, phrases, or clauses of equal rank. There are two kinds: simple and correlative.

The co-ordinate conjunctions are the following: and, but, or, nor, for, and yet. (For and yet can only join clauses.)

The correlative conjunctions are always in pairs. They are either-or, neither-nor, both-and, not only-but also, and whether-or.


Instructions: Find the co-ordinate and correlative conjunctions in these sentences.

1. The boys and the girls not only like but also adore both the puppies and the kittens.

The boys and the girls not only like but also adore both the puppies and the kittens.

2. My mother or my father will come to see you either today or tomorrow.

My mother or my father will come to see you either today or tomorrow.

3. Neither the plane nor the train would arrive on time.

Neither the plane nor the train would arrive on time.

4. Both the man and his friend came down the hall and went into the room.

Both the man and his friend came down the hall and went into the room.

5. The cook didn't know whether to bake or to mash the potatoes for supper.

The cook didn't know whether to bake or to mash the potatoes for supper.

6. I didn't win the race, but I didn't care.

I didn't win the race, but I didn't care.

7. The trip will take us through the hills and across the valleys.

The trip will take us through the hills and across the valleys.

8. Canada is both beautiful and cold, but I like to visit there.

Canada is both beautiful and cold, but I like to visit there.

9. Jeff and Jim are brothers, yet they are not alike.

Jeff and Jim are brothers, yet they are not alike.

10. Carl likes to eat and sleep but not work.

Carl likes to eat and sleep but not work.

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