Daily Grammar

Quiz for Lessons 86-90

Parts of Speech - Review

The eight parts of speech are verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

Verbs show action or state of being.

Nouns are the names of persons, places, things, or ideas.

Pronouns take the place of nouns.

Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns and tell which, whose, what kind, and how many.


Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs and tell how, when, where, and how much.

Prepositions must have an object and show a relationship between its object and some other word in the sentence.

Conjunctions join words, phrases, and clauses.

Interjections show feeling and are punctuated with either a comma or an exclamation point.

If you need further clarification on any of the parts of speech, see the Daily Grammar archive (http://www.dailygrammar.com/archive.html). Remember that what part of speech a word is depends on how it is used in the sentence.


Instructions:  Identify what part of speech each word is in the following sentences.

1. After she cleaned the room, Mrs. Smith asked me if I would move the furniture and take out the trash.

AfterC sheP cleanedV theAdj roomN, Mrs. SmithN  
askedV meP  
ifC IP wouldV  
moveV theAdj  
andC takeV outV theAdj trashN.

2. Yes, we arrived safely in Canada, and we enjoyed the visit with the grandchildren although the weather was really cold and cloudy.

YesInterj, weP arrivedV safelyAdv inPrep CanadaN, andC  
weP enjoyedV theAdj visitN  
withPrep theAdj  
althoughC theAdj weatherN  
wasV reallyAdv  
coldAdj andC cloudyAdj.

3. A good score comes from a great deal of careful work and effort.

AAdj goodAdj scoreN comesV fromPrep aAdj greatAdj dealN  
ofPrep carefulAdj workN andC  

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